
1.1 Modern slavery is a heinous crime that affects millions of people around the world. Evidence to this inquiry has highlighted the devastating impact of modern slavery and the need for stronger measures to combat it.

1.2 This interim report addresses one aspect of how to better combat modern slavery in the global supply chains of Australian businesses, companies, organisations and governments.


Terms of Reference

With reference to the United Kingdom’s Modern Slavery Act 2015 and to relevant findings from the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade’s report, Trading Lives: Modern Day Human Trafficking, the Committee shall examine whether Australia should adopt a comparable Modern Slavery Act.

The Committee shall have particular regard to:

  • The nature and extent of modern slavery (including slavery, forced labour and wage exploitation, involuntary servitude, debt bondage, human trafficking, forced marriage and other slavery-like exploitation) both in Australia and globally;
  • The prevalence of modern slavery in the domestic and global supply chains of companies, businesses and organisations operating in Australia;
  • Identifying international best practice employed by governments, companies, businesses and organisations to prevent modern slavery in domestic and global supply chains, with a view to strengthening Australian legislation;
  • The implications for Australia’s visa regime, and conformity with the Palermo Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children regarding federal compensation for victims of modern slavery;
  • Provisions in the United Kingdom’s legislation which have proven effective in addressing modern slavery, and whether similar or improved measures should be introduced in Australia;
  • Whether a Modern Slavery Act should be introduced in Australia; and
  • Any other related matters.

See the report online here.

Modern slavery and global supply chains - Interim report - Australia, 2017 DOWNLOAD























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