Responsible business conduct is an essential part of an open international investment climate. MNE activities often span multiple countries and many cultural, legal, and regulatory environments. This complexity, coupled with the intensely competitive nature of international business, presents MNEs and their stakeholders with unique and specific challenges. Although many MNEs demonstrate a respect for high standards of business conduct, some may neglect the appropriate principles and standards of conduct in an attempt to gain undue competitive advantage. This may be particularly true in environments where regulatory, legal, and institutional frameworks are underdeveloped or fragile. More and more enterprises are responding by committing to responsible business practices, promoting dialogue, and engaging with stakeholders. Addressing societal concerns while advancing enterprise interests can be mutually supportive.

The Guidelines are a set of recommendations on responsible business conduct addressed by governments to MNEs operating in or from adhering countries.

Responsible Business Conduct Matters - OECD, 2013 DOWNLOAD














COVID-19: Guidance for Labour Recruiters to Enhance Migrant Worker Protection during the Current Health Crisis
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

During the current global health crisis, labour recruiters play an essential role in protecting migrant workers and ensuring essential services have the staff they need to provide elevated levels of care. Recruitment agencies are also on the frontli...Read More

A common anti-trafficking plan to address the risks of trafficking in human beings and support potential victims among those fleeing the war in Ukraine

As of 6 May 2022, over 5.4 million people have arrived in the European Union since the beginning of the war in Ukraine on 24 February 2022. The vast majority of the persons fleeing Ukraine are women and children. Over 13,000 unaccompanied and separa...Read More

Speak out to confront plague of sexual harrassment against women commuters
News & AnalysisGuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

As the United Nations marks its annual 16-day campaign against gender-based violence and the world continues to be shaken with the #MeToo movement, UNFPA – the UN's sexual and reproductive health agency – is shining the spotlight ...Read More

An Ethical Framework for Cross-Border Labor Recruitment: An Industry/Stakeholder Collaboration to Reduce the Risks of Forced Labor and Human Trafficking – Verite and Manpower Group, 2012
GuidanceStandards & Codes of ConductPublications

The Ethical Framework for Cross Border Labor Recruitment offers a set of specific operational practices (“Standards of Ethical Practice”) for recruitment firms that operate across borders. These practices are reinforced by a Verification and Cer...Read More