When FIFA awarded the 2022 World Cup to Qatar in 2010, the existence of widespread labour rights abuses was well-documented. FIFA knew, or ought to have known, that the monumental construction work and other services required to host the tournament would rest on the shoulders of vulnerable migrant workers at severe risk of exploitation. Yet, despite these warnings, FIFA granted the multi-billion-dollar event to Qatar without imposing on the country any conditions to strengthen labour rights protections. Recognising its responsibilities far too late, and introducing measures benefiting far too few workers, the abuses that followed were both predictable and preventable.

Predictable and preventable: Why FIFA and Qatar should remedy abuses behind the 2022 World Cup - Amnesty International, May 2022 DOWNLOAD














Women in the workplace: FLEX’s five-point plan to combat exploitation
GuidanceGood Practices

SUMMARY The aim of this guide is to help labour market enforcement agencies to build a gender-sensitive approach to tackling labour exploitation. It outlines the specific problems faced by women workers in high-risk feminised labour sectors such ...Read More

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This briefing provides information on the risks and implications of forced labour in company operations and supply chains. It highlights the role for investor engagement in addressing this global problem. ...Read More

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Top 5 Labour abuses in 2019-2020- A field-based analysis of worker reporting and business responses In Thailand
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Issara Institute recognizes worker voice as conveying the voices, experiences, and needs of workers, and channeling that voice into clear mechanisms committed to remediation and a rebalancing of power asymmetries between employers and workers. This ...Read More

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Global initiative to explore the sexual exploitation of boys

In recent years, it has become increasingly apparent that there is a gap in the global understanding of how child sexual exploitation affects boys. While data on the prevalence of all child sexual exploitation is generally lacking, when data does ex...Read More

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