The failure of governments to protect workers’ rights in the global economy has left a yawning gap of regulation and helped spawn an $80 billion industry in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social auditing. Yet the experience of the last two decades of “privatized regulation” of global supply chains has eerie parallels with the financial self-regulation that failed so spectacularly in 2007 and plunged the world into deep and lasting recession. This detailed and extensive report by the AFL-CIO reveals just how bad much of the CSR industry has been for working people. Not only has it helped keep wages low and working conditions poor, it has provided public relations cover for producers whose disregard for health and safety has cost hundreds of lives. The AFL-CIO research underscores the central failing of the CSR model, which is based mainly on short and cursory visits to factories and no proper discussion with workers. This, coupled with the big global brands holding on to the “Walmart” model of driving prices to local producers ever lower and demanding ever-faster production, the dominant social auditing model will never achieve decent, secure jobs for the millions of workers at the sharp end of the global economy.

Responsibility Outsourced: Social Audits, Workplace Certification and Twenty Years of Failure to Protect Worker Rights- American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, 2013 DOWNLOAD














2009 List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor

Abstract On September 10, 2009, the Department of Labor released its initial “list of goods from countries” (List), pursuant to Section 105(b)(2)(C) of the TVPRA of 2005. The List was released as part of a larger report detailing the methodology,...Read More

GRETA Third Evaluation Report– Austria

In its third report on Austria, the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) analyses trafficking victims’ access to justice and effective remedies and examines progress in the implementation of ...Read More

TAGS: Europe
British Children Can Be Trafficked Too: Towards an Inclusive Definition of Internal Child Sex Trafficking

In research, policy and practice, internal trafficking has been long overshadowed by its international counterpart. Despite the introduction of specific legislation against internal sex trafficking, confusion remains in Britain around how this crim...Read More

Deadly Secrets: How Apparel Brands Cover up Safety Hazards

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