Verité has collected comprehensive data about global industries with a significant history or current evidence of human trafficking or trafficking-related activity, and has analysed the over-lap between global supply chains deemed to be at risk for human trafficking and patterns of United States federal procurement. The results of Verité’s research are presented in the Report.

The report is not intended to provide specific guidance on U.S. President Executive Order Strengthening Protections Against Trafficking in Persons in Federal Contracts compliance, but it does provide the framework and resources necessary to understand the risk of human trafficking in global supply chains, and can help readers begin to assess the risk of human trafficking in particular federal supply chains.

Strengthening Protection Against Trafficking in Persons in Federal and Corporate Supply Chains - Verité, 2015 DOWNLOAD














A Call to Action: Ending the Use of All Forms of Child Labour in Supply Chains

This report offers seven recommendations, such as developing incentives for businesses to thoroughly and continually monitor their supply chains for the use of child labour and forced labour, and to share best practices. It also recommends the Gover...Read More

Towards Demand-Driven, Empowering Assistance for Trafficked Persons

This brief has been prepared by the Issara Institute and Anders Lisborg, technical consultant. The paper provides a brief landscape analysis of mainstream trafficking victim assistance programs in Southeast Asia from the lens of empowerment, emph...Read More

TAGS: Asia
The Perth Forum – Work Plan for 2017/2018

The paramount objective of the Perth Forum is to harness the power of both government and business to end modern slavery. Addressing the issues of modern slavery is complex, involving a range of stakeholders, across a diverse and dynamic region.A...Read More

Child Labour in the Arab Region – A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

Child labour has long been a feature of economic life in the Arab region, particularly in agriculture, small traditional craft shops, and informal industries such as garment and carpet making, as well as some construction-related activities. Childre...Read More