The Survey Report 2021 of Efforts to Implement OSCE Commitments and Recommended Actions to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings has been developed to track progress toward implementing anti-trafficking commitments since the previous Survey in 2015, and features new sections on vulnerability reduction, awareness-raising, and addressing demand, as well as the role of technology in facilitating and combating human trafficking and online sexual exploitation of children. It has been designed to develop recommendations in response to the complex, cross-dimensional, and evolving nature of human trafficking. 

Survey report 2021 of efforts to implement OSCE commitments and recommended actions to combat trafficking in human beings - Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, July 2022 DOWNLOAD
In Brief: Survey Report 2021 of Efforts to Implement OSCE Commitments and Recommended Actions to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings - Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, July 2022 DOWNLOAD














Responsible Business Conduct and the Tourism Industry in Vietnam: Guidance for Companies
GuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

As Vietnam’s tourism industry expands, the Australian Human Rights Commission and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry have partnered to produce guidance for companies operating in the tourism industry in Vietnam. The guidance aims to stre...Read More

TAGS: Asia
Mapping of Slums and identifying children engaged in worst forms of child labour living in slums and working in neighbourhood areas

The National Child Labour Survey 2013 estimated that Bangladesh is home to 3.45 million working children, including 1.28 million engaged in hazardous labour. Low commitment from the Ministry of Labour and Employment to tackling hazardous child labou...Read More

OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct

Businesses can play a major role in contributing to economic, environmental and social progress, especially when they minimise the adverse impacts of their operations, supply chains and other business relationships. The OECD Guidelines for Multinatio...Read More

Adidas Guidelines on Employment Standards

To explain how it expects its suppliers to live up to its Standards, Adidas has produced a number of supporting guidelines that detail its expectations for fair, healthy, safe workplace conditions and environmentally sound factory operations. T...Read More