As an initiative of the Bali Process n People SMuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime (The Bali Process), the Bali Process GOvernment an Business FOrum (GABF) brings together business leaders and ministers from across 45 member states to contribute to the eradication of human trafficking, forced labour, modern slavery and the worst forms of child labour across the INdo-Pacific region.

The Acknowledge, Act and Advance REcommendations (AAA Recommendations) set out a pathway for both business and government to contribute to the eradication of these transnational crimes. Implementation of the AAA Recommendations will increase momentum toward achieving Target 8.7 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which calls for immediate and effective measures to be taken to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and eliminate the worst forms of child labour.

The Nusa Dua Forum AAA Recommendations - Bali Process, 2018 DOWNLOAD














Recommendations: Protection of women human rights defenders at risk in migration contexts
GuidanceGood Practices

These recommendations focus on women human rights defenders at risk in migration contexts (hereinafter, migrant women human rights defenders)–that is, women, girls and gender-diverse persons of all ages who promote and protect the human rights of ...Read More

Compendium of good practices in addressing trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation
Good Practices

The report by the former Secretary General of the Council of Europe, “Ready for Future Chal- lenges - Reinforcing the Council of Europe”, identified trafficking for labour exploitation as one of the major challenges in Europe, referring to ...Read More

International Labor Migration: The Responsible Role of Business – BSR, 2008
GuidanceStandards & Codes of ConductGood Practices

In today’s globalized economy, the issue of international labor migration in supply chains is one of the most critical – yet largely unexplored – issues for our member companies and all businesses operating globally. Labor migrants now repr...Read More

The Equator Principles
GuidanceGood Practices

Large infrastructure and industrial Projects can have adverse impacts on people and on the environment. As financiers and advisors, we work in partnership with our clients to identify, assess and manage environmental and social risks and impacts in ...Read More