Modern slavery facts and figures
There are more slaves today than in any other time in history. Do you know how many there are and where they are found? Disclaimer: this video is based on 2016 data
There are more slaves today than in any other time in history. Do you know how many there are and where they are found? Disclaimer: this video is based on 2016 data
What are the tricks used to hold slavery victims in place?
What are the tricks used to hold slavery victims in place?
Extreme poverty and lack of livelihood opportunities result in some families sending their children to work on cocoa farms. It is reported that some children are ‘sold’ to traffickers or farm owners, paying for a determined duration of labour. Children...
We are all aware of the impact that COVID-19 has had on our lives. The housing of people experiencing homelessness in hotels will definitely have a positive impact, but we also need to be aware of the risks of exploitation occurring. This trainin...Read More
In the face of what is arguably a migration crisis, President Obama has issued an Executive Action protecting a potential 4.3 million illegal immigrants from the threat of deportation, by changing priorities for deportation to exclude those who have spent...