Today, governments are increasingly taking action by establishing regulations that require companies to disclose information on their approaches to eradicating forced labour from their supply chains, including the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (SB 657), and the more recent UK Modern Slavery Act. Many companies are acting in response to and anticipation of government requirements, adopting policies and programs to mitigate the risk of forced labour in their supply chains. Yet little is known about which companies are leading the way in forced labour policy and practice and where further efforts need to be made.

This report presents the outcome of a pilot benchmark conducted in 2015. It examined the transparency and disclosure statements of a small subset of companies with regards to human trafficking and forced labour.














North Macedonia Shadow Report
News & AnalysisPublications

This Shadow report is produced under the framework of the operating grant: Listen the voice of trafficked persons and fight organize crime. The purpose of this grant is to support participatory democracy as part of North Macedonia`s European integra...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Global Justice: Using Strategic Litigation to Combat Forced Labour
News & AnalysisStandards & Codes of ConductLegislation

Forced labor is a feature, not a bug, in today’s global economic system. Forced labor spans the globe. It involves multinational corporations. It is found in special economic zones—and war zones. And it is in everyone’s backyard. Globally, 27....Read More

VII Informe Alternativo: Balance de la sociedad civil sobre la trata de personas en el Perú, 2018-2019

Esta publicación presenta un balance de la sociedad civil acerca de los avances del Estado frente al delito de trata de personas durante los años 2018 y 2019. This publication presents an overview of the progress made by the Peruvian government...Read More

“The Harvest is in My Blood”: Hazardous Child Labor in Tobacco Farming in Indonesia

This report documents how child tobacco workers are exposed to nicotine, handle toxic chemicals, use sharp tools, lift heavy loads, and work in extreme heat. Their work could have lasting consequences for their health and development. It also discus...Read More