The U.S. Department of Labour has granted USD 2,000,000 to support a project on promoting better understanding of indicators to address labour trafficking in Peru, contributing to the U.S. Government’s efforts to advance respect for human rights among businesses.

Although data is scarce, there are an estimated 3,911 human trafficking victims in Peru. The overwhelming majority of these victims are women and girls. Peru has ratified international agreements against forced labour and trafficking in persons. It has a strong regulatory framework, government labour monitoring infrastructure, an intersectoral plan and commissions to address forced labour and labour trafficking. It also has a regulatory framework to prosecute and punish forced labour. However, local government, private sector, civil society and other stakeholders lack the tools to identify indicators of forced labour and labour trafficking and to help victims obtain necessary services.

This project will help the Peruvian government and other labour stakeholders build their capacity to prevent, detect and eliminate forced labour and labour trafficking from workplaces in Peru. By bringing together the Ministry of Labour, regional and local governments, law enforcement officials and the judiciary branch, the project will encourage better enforcement through consultation and consensus-building.

Project Duration: December 2017 – December 2021
Grantee: Capital Humano y Social Alternativo (CHS)

Click here to find out more about the work of the Bureau of International Labour Affairs.
More information on the project can be found here.














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TAGS: Europe