Large infrastructure and industrial Projects can have adverse impacts on people and on the environment. As financiers and advisors, we work in partnership with our clients to identify, assess and manage environmental and social risks and impacts in a structured way, and on an ongoing basis. Such collaboration promotes sustainable environmental and social performance and can lead to improved financial, environmental and social outcomes. Where appropriate, we, the Equator Principles Financial Institutions (EPFIs), will encourage our clients to address potential or actual adverse risks and impacts identified during the Project Development Lifecycle.

The Equator Principles - Equator Principles, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Informații pentru lucrătorii sezonieri din agricultură din Spațiul Economic European privind drepturile și asistența de care beneficiază în timp ce se află în Scoția
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

Această broșură are scopul de a vă informa, în calitate de lucrători înagricultură din Spațiul Economic European1 care se află în Scoția, cuprivire la drepturile dvs. și la ceea ce puteți face dacă apreciați cădrepturile dvs. nu sun...Read More

Employing Workers’ Sense of Value as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to Drive Facility Improvement in Social Responsibility
Good Practices

While many brands have gathered worker feedback to increase engagement, when closely examined, the efforts have tended to be brand-centric with workers’ interests often overlooked or marginalized in favor of supply chain risk management. The findi...Read More

Think Twice: Can companies do business with Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories while respecting human rights?

Doing business in occupied territories carries with it risks, dilemmas and potential liabilities for companies. The sources of information available to companies to address these risks are limited. This briefing is intended to provide companies with...Read More

Finance & human rights: regulatory overview

This short paper is intended as a general overview of the development of different legislations and frameworks that apply in the area of finance and human rights, underlining key aspects. It comprises EU regulation (in force and upcoming), national ...Read More