Human trafficking victims who are exploited in the commercial sex industry try are highly likely to be arrested for offenses catalyzed by their victimization. The resulting criminal records shadow survivors out of trafficking and serve as barriers to achieving sustainable independence. Over the last ten years, many states have enacted some form of criminal record relief for trafficking survivors. However, it is incredibly difficult for survivors to claim their legal right to relief without legal representation. Securing legal services can be a time-consuming, trauma-inducing, and sometimes impossible endeavor. This report analyzes the accessibility of various forms of legal services for survivors of trafficking. The Avery Center’s research team contacted 550 organizations that self-advertised as providing legal services for survivors and clarified the type of legal support available (and for whom). The resulting data showcases the dramatic gap of providers able to assist survivors. Although the law has adjusted to better support survivors, the benefit of the law is inaccessible for most survivors. Without adequate legal representation, trafficking survivors are left living with the reality of human rights deprivation. The result is – a legal

Legal Deset Reports - The Avery Center, National Survivor Law Collective - July 2021 DOWNLOAD














National Referral Mechanism on Identifying and Working with Potential Victims of Child Trafficking

Since its establishment in 2007, the Working Group on Child Trafficking as a sub-group of the Task Force on Combating Human Trafficking has been working to gather background information on the phenomenon of child trafficking in Austria through the e...Read More

Review of the Nestlé Palm Oil Upstream Supply Chain Management Program in Malaysia and Indonesia

In recent years, labour practices in the palm oil sector in Southeast Asia have drawn significant attention from both media and civil society actors. In June 2018, Nestlé began a partnership with Verité on a multiyear program to improve ...Read More

Mapping of Slums and identifying children engaged in worst forms of child labour living in slums and working in neighbourhood areas

The National Child Labour Survey 2013 estimated that Bangladesh is home to 3.45 million working children, including 1.28 million engaged in hazardous labour. Low commitment from the Ministry of Labour and Employment to tackling hazardous child labou...Read More

Legislating Against Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking & Forced Labour

This e-handbook is a comprehensive guide for parliamentarians and parliamentary officials on legislating effectively against modern slavery-related crimes. The e-Handbook covers topics such as: gathering cross-party support; creating and r...Read More

TAGS: Europe