This brief is based on a study conducted as part of the ACCEL Africa Project, a regional project implemented by the ILO, funded by the Government of the Netherlands, and focusing on the issue of child labour in selected supply chains in six countries in Africa. The study seeks to assess the responsibility as well as legal obligations of financial sector actors in eliminating child labour in the cocoa supply chain in Côte d’Ivoire, especially those actors financing cocoa transactions at the level of exporters, buyers, and cooperatives. Current practices and potential roles of financial sector actors to address the issue of child labour in this context are assessed, and recommended actions are presented.
Responsible finance in the cocoa supply chain in Côte d’Ivoire. The leverage role of the financial sector in eliminating child labour-International Labour, 2022 DOWNLOAD














Child Labour Platform: Report 2010-2011, Business practices and lessons learned on addressing child labour
Good Practices

This booklet is meant as inspiration and provides practical information for managers and employees, who have responsibilities for addressing child labour within the company’s operations and supply chain. The booklet contains business practices an...Read More

TAGS: Global
The Equator Principles
GuidanceGood Practices

Large infrastructure and industrial Projects can have adverse impacts on people and on the environment. As financiers and advisors, we work in partnership with our clients to identify, assess and manage environmental and social risks and impacts in ...Read More

Modern Slavery Reporting: Case Studies of Leading Practice
Good Practices

This briefing provides examples of good practice found in the thousands statements made under the UK Modern Slavery Act. It aims to inform government and investor engagement with companies around modern slavery. The UK Modern Slavery Act (the Act)...Read More

Compendium of good practices in addressing trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation
Good Practices

The report by the former Secretary General of the Council of Europe, “Ready for Future Chal- lenges - Reinforcing the Council of Europe”, identified trafficking for labour exploitation as one of the major challenges in Europe, referring to ...Read More