This report provides the first in-depth analysis of corporate perspectives on tackling modern slavery one year on from the introduction of the UK Modern Slavery Act.

Companies that took part in in-depth interviews were selected because of their reputation as leaders on ethical trade or companies that have been public about their commitment to address modern slavery. Those taking part in the in-depth survey all had established policies and strategic commitments to ethical trade before the Act was passed.

The findings presented in this report reflect the insights and practices of this group of companies who are more advanced in their approach to addressing modern slavery, and not the practices of all companies required to report under the Modern Slavery Act.

Corporate Leadership on Modern Slavery - Ethical Trading Initiative, 2016 DOWNLOAD














National Hotline 2019 Vermont State Report
Graphics & InfographicsPublications

The data in this report represents signals and cases from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 and is accurate as of July 30, 2020. Cases of trafficking may be ongoing or new information may revealed to the National Hotline over time. Consequen...Read More

Human Trafficking Intersections with Transportation

The Transportation Industry intersects with human trafficking in the United States in a number of different ways. A number of these intersections are reflected in the reports of human trafficking made to the National Human Trafficking Hotline. This ...Read More

The Counter-Trafficking Apparatus in Action: Who Benefits From It?

Based on long-term ethnographic research, including documentary research, qualitative interviews and observations made at a Portuguese shelter for “sex trafficked women,” this paper explores the counter-trafficking apparatus questioning who bene...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Eradicating Forced Labour in Electronics

The information and communications technology sector(ICT) is at high risk of forced labour. A significant number ofworkers in electronics supply chains are migrant workers who are particularly vulnerable to exploitation. The US Department of Labour...Read More