The United States has long had a zero-tolerance policy regarding Government employees and contractor personnel engaging in any form of this criminal behavior. As the largest single purchaser of goods and services in the world, the United States Government bears a responsibility to ensure that taxpayer dollars do not contribute to trafficking in persons. By providing our Government workforce with additional tools and training to apply and enforce existing policy, and by providing additional clarity to Government contractors and subcontractors on the steps necessary to fully comply with that policy, this order will help to protect vulnerable individuals as contractors and subcontractors perform vital services and manufacture the goods procured by the United States.

In addition, the improved safeguards provided by this order to strengthen compliance with anti-trafficking laws will promote economy and efficiency in Government procurement. These safeguards, which have been largely modeled on successful practices in the private sector, will increase stability, productivity, and certainty in Federal contracting by avoiding the disruption and disarray caused by the use of trafficked labour and resulting investigative and enforcement actions.

Executive Order - Strengthening Protections Against Trafficking In Persons In Federal Contracts - United States, 2012 DOWNLOAD














Decent Work for Ugandan Domestic Workers: Findings and Recommendations for Funders

In Uganda and Kenya, thousands of Ugandan children work as domestic workers. Despite laws prohibiting employment of children under the age of 16 in Uganda, there is little enforcement in the domestic work sector. While poverty drives children to ent...Read More

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The Impact of Covid-19 on Modern Slavery and Child labour: How can lawyers make a difference? – International Bar Association
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Global Justice: Using Strategic Litigation to Combat Forced Labour
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