This review was conducted as a “scoping study” of two distinct areas of recruitment policy and programming: (1) current government policies and initiatives to improve recruitment standards for low-wage migrant workers; and (2) current non-governmental models, focusing on initiatives that align with the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Operational Guidelines for Fair Recruitment (especially guidelines #21-25).

The broader purpose of this study is to inform the Meneshachin project and identify promising recruitment models to facilitate discussions of their potential suitability or adaptation to the Ethiopian context, particularly in relation to addressing Ethiopian women and girls entering the domestic service sector in the Middle East.

Meneshachin scoping study: A global synthesis and analysis of responsible recruitment initiatives targeting low-wage, migrant workers - Freedom Fund, 2020 DOWNLOAD














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Sharing of information between financial institutions related to potential money laundering and human trafficking activities is essential in the fight against modern slavery. However, the laws covering personal data privacy, anti-money laundering, ...Read More

From Exploitation to Fair Employment. Report on the Organisation of Employment Services to Victims of Trafficking in Finland
News & AnalysisPublications

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