The ILO commissioned this report from Ms. Hayat Osseiran, an independent researcher on child labour issues. The report should not be construed as representing the views of the ILO. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the ILO or ILO policy. The report is published and made available to national stakeholders and other relevant partners in Lebanon and internationally to elicit comments and stimulate debate.

Action against child labour in Lebanon: A mapping of policy and normative initiatives, International Labour Organization (ILO), 2016 DOWNLOAD














Maximizing Benefits from a Sustainable Supply Chain – BSR
Standards & Codes of ConductPublications

The case studies described in this brief reveal that there are benefits for suppliers to implementing social and environmental improvement programs, including improved workforce productivity, cost savings, and stronger competitiveness. Buyers also b...Read More

Global Solidarity with Communities, Indigenous Peoples and Workers at Risk from Mining Pandemic Profiteers
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

The mining industry is one of the most polluting, deadly, and destructive industries in the world. Yet to date, mining company responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have received little scrutiny compared to other industries seeking to profit from this ...Read More

Preventing Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking – An Agenda For Action Across the Financial Services Sector

There are over 40 million people in modern slavery worldwide. Modern slavery exists in every industry, in every country in the world. The financial services industry has a major role to play in combating this violent and abusive business. And yet ou...Read More

Impacts of a lack of legal advice on adults with lived experience of modern slavery
News & AnalysisPublications

This project examined experiences of access to legal advice among adults with lived experience of modern slavery in the United Kingdom, as well as the impacts of a lack of access to (quality) legal advice on recovery, wellbeing and protection outcom...Read More

TAGS: Europe