This is a summary of the report: Assessing understandings of effective supply chain governance , a Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre (the Modern Slavery PEC) research project, funded by the UK Arts
and Humanities Research Council. The research was conducted by Professor AlexanderTrautrims, Dr Oana Burcu and Faiza Zafar (University of Nottingham Rights Lab) and Charlotte Lush (Workforce Disclosure Initiative, ShareAction).The full report can be accessed on the Modern Slavery PEC website at The Modern Slavery PEC has actively supported the production of outputs from this project. In particular, the research team and the Modern Slavery PEC worked closely together to shape the research and its outputs and discuss its policy implications. This Research Summary is a product of this co-working arrangement. However, the views expressed in this summary and the full report are those of the authors and not necessarily of the Modern Slavery PEC. This project was funded through an open call for responsive research proposals to examine how businesses can establish and increase their visibility and influence over (particularly) the lower tiers of long and complex supply.
Addressing modern slavery in long and complex supply chains. Assessing understandings of effective supply chain governance- Modern Slavery & Human Rights Policy & Evidence Centre, 2022 DOWNLOAD














Human Trafficking Victims, and Those Vulnerable to Trafficking, Need Increased Protections In Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
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Human trafficking thrives in times of crisis and uncertainty, when the needs of the most vulnerable among us are often overlooked. Congress recently passed the $2 trillion coronavirus relief legislation, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Sec...Read More

TAGS: Global
Disrupting Harm in Indonesia: Evidence on Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Funded by the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children, through its Safe Online initiative, ECPAT International, INTERPOL and UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti worked in partnership to design and implement a multifaceted research pr...Read More

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Actions speak louder: Assessing bank responses to human rights violations

The UN’s new “Roadmap for the Next Decade” of Busi- ness and Human Rights, published in November 2021, begins by setting out the need to raise the ambition and increase the pace of implementing respect for human rights. The road...Read More

A Review of Current Promising Practices in the Engagement of People with Lived Experience to Address Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
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This report summarises findings from research into the best ways to engage and involve people with lived experience of modern slavery and human trafficking (including survivors) in international policy and programming on modern slavery. It gathers o...Read More

TAGS: Global