This ASSESSMENT MATRIX explains how to measure evidence of national legislative and policy responses to sexual exploitation of children in the context of travel and tourism as identified in the legal checklist. Measurable indicators for each of the 24 items are provided.

Assessment Matrix – Legal Checklist on Key Legal Interventions to Prevent Children From Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism - ECPAT International, 2021 DOWNLOAD














At Risk: Exploitation and the UK Asylum System
News & AnalysisPublications

The British Red Cross and UNHCR report, At risk: exploitation and the UK asylum system, finds that people seeking asylum in the UK are at risk of exploitation and have been exploited in the UK. When people are forced to flee, they leave behind m...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Survival at the Expense of the Weakest? Managing Modern Slavery Risks in Supply Chains During COVID-19
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

This paper reflects on the implications of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on modern slavery risks in supply chains. We first reason that the global supply and demand shock resulting from COVID-19 exacerbates workers’ vulnerability to modern s...Read More

TAGS: Global
Underground Lives: Aspirational Britain: Survivors of Modern Slavery Want to Work Too
News & AnalysisPublications

Britain is in an employment crisis. Labour shortages are hitting record highs and firms are recruiting from abroad which is costly. At the same time there are currently more than 7,000 survivors of modern slavery who are being supported by the G...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Gender-Responsive Self-Assessment Tool for Recruitment Agencies

This self-assessment tool was developed to ensure employers, governments and recruitment agencies have policies, codes of conduct, systems and training in place that effectively meet the needs of women migrant workers. The tool was developed by UN W...Read More