End online sexual exploitation of children. Online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC) includes a range of in-person and online harms that were unimaginable before the digital age. In fact, the trafficking of children to create new child sexual exploitation material, including through livestreaming, is a form of modern slavery growing globally. And this crime is driven and fueled by demand-side sex offenders who pay for, direct, and view the abuse online.

Behind the Screens: A Compilation of Case Studies and Learning about the Online Sexual Exploitation of Children - International Justice Mission - November, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Economic shocks and human trafficking risks: Evidence from IOM’s victims of human trafficking database
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Every year, millions of people worldwide are trafficked, which has a profound impact on development and vulnerable populations. Human trafficking violates the fundamental principles of human rights that are linked to a range of core development issu...Read More

Interactive Map for Business of Anti-human Trafficking Initiatives and Organisations | Outreach
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