This document is not a comprehensive resource on child protection policies, but rather provides a solid introduction on developing a policy for your organization. Organizations, staff, volunteers, and visitors must be fully aware that child abuse can happen in any setting, and that they must all commit to keeping children safe from harm. This resource aims to help organizations think through how to prioritize child protection and how to implement basic policies and standards that can keep children safe from unintentional abuse or further exploitation. In going forward, each organization will need to think about how to tailor and develop their policies to more closely align with their work and how they operate. Following, there is a Child Protection Policy template, which welcomes organizations to freely use as their own or integrate into their existing policies as well as a section of additional standards to implement. There is also a Self-Audit Tool from Keep Children Safe Coalition.

Child Protection 2017 Policy Template and Self Audit Tool - Freedom Collaborative, 2017 DOWNLOAD














Lawyers Manual on Human Trafficking

Edited by by Jill Laurie Goodman and Dorchen A. Leidholdt.A guide for legal professionals working with victims of human trafficking.

Valuing Victims’ Voices: A Participatory Action Research Project with Victims of “Seafood Slavery” for Effective Counter-Trafficking Communication

The exploitation of men working as fishing crew in distant water (DW) fisheries is attracting increasing attention from the international community as an urgent contemporary human and labour rights problem. However, the voices of victims are often d...Read More

What’s changed for Syrian refugees in Turkish garment supply chains?

An estimated 650,000 Syrian refugees have fled their home country to escape bloodshed and have found a lifeline working in Turkey, with many working in the garment industry. Without these jobs, many families would face desperate times and would stru...Read More

Labor Share and Value Distribution

This work is part of a series of Forced Labour Evidence Briefs that seek to bring academic research to bear on calls to address the root causes of the phenomenon in global supply chains and catalyse systemic change. To do so, the Briefs consolidate ...Read More