The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reports human trafficking in every country; however, these crimes are rarely discussed. Offenders target marginalized and low-income communities and individuals. With the assistance of the dark web and other shady methods, traffickers can anonymously prowl for and eventually purchase or steal victims (2020). Human trafficking (HT) is growing as an industry; all while tucked away in the shadows. Although fear and propaganda have overshadowed the dark reality of the crime, an ever-growing population responsible is partially to blame for the growing numbers of human trafficking victims. However, dark dealings, such as human exploitation, thrive when the world is in a state of turmoil.

Exploitation on the Rise: Modern Slavery and COVID-19 - Academia Letters, 2021 DOWNLOAD














Guide for Integrated Service Provision to Support Access to Employment for Third Country National Women Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation
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The general objective of the project Tolerant is to enhance the integration of Third Country National women Victims of Trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation in the labour market in Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Romania, through e...Read More

Modern Slavery Act Transparency in Supply Chains
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CGI IT UK Limited is among the largest independent IT and business consulting services organisations in the world. This statement is published pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes CGI UK’s fifth Modern Slavery a...Read More

Call for Papers: Technology, Anti-Trafficking, and Speculative Futures
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Guest Editors: Jennifer Musto and Mitali Thakor  Deadline for Submissions: 8 May 2019 The Anti-Trafficking Review calls for papers for a special issue themed 'Technology, Anti-Trafficking, and Speculative Futures'.  In t...Read More

Brief – Policy Responses to Technology-Facilitated Trafficking in Human Beings: Analysis of Current Approaches and Considerations for Moving Forward
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Internet and communication technology (ICT) has led to the emergence and rapid expansion of technology-facilitated trafficking in human beings (THB). The misuse of technology has become central to the business model of human traffickers and is prese...Read More