Australians are adopting renewables quickly, at around a celebrated ten times faster than the global average. Explanations point to rising domestic electricity costs, the benefits of lots of sunshine and high homeownership, lack of red tape and falling cost of PV technology. In this first of two papers, FairSupply discusses this research into the presence of forced labour in the global solar supply chain and the implications for Australian businesses. In the second, FairSupply will examine typically unaccounted for GHG emissions in the solar supply chain.

Understanding the Global Solar Energy Supply Chain - Fair Supply Analytics, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Accelerating the use of tech to combat human trafficking
News & Analysis

Authors: Hannah Darnton, program manager in ethics, technology and human rights at Business for Social Responsibility.Thi Hoang, analyst at the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime. There is a growing need for the developmen...Read More

THE ITSCI Laundromat: How a due diligence scheme appears to launder conflict minerals
News & Analysis

Minerals extracted by hand from the African Great Lakes region are in huge demand. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Rwanda produce nearly half the world’s coltan, the main ore of tantalum, as well as large amounts of tin and tungsten...Read More

It’s a Journey We Travel Together: Women Migrants Fighting for a Just Society
News & AnalysisPublications

This report describes the Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) carried out by seven organisations from six countries across Asia and the Pacific region (Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, India, Malaysia, Indonesia and Hong Kong) between 2019 and 2021. The...Read More

An IOM perspective on human trafficking in Niger: Profiles, patterns, progress
News & Analysis

Often referred to as a country at the crossroads of migration flows between west, central and north Africa, Niger is at the heart of complex and multifold forms of mobility as a country of origin, transit and destination. This includes traffickin...Read More