Global Kids Online is an international research project that aims to generate and sustain a rigorous cross-national evidence base around children’s use of the internet by creating a global network of researchers and experts.
The library offers both qualitative and quantitative tools.
The qualitative toolkit comprises the research instruments that will help you design, carry out, and analyse the qualitative research on children’s online risks and opportunities. These are designed in a way that allows covering the key topics identified by Global Kids Online, as well as remaining flexible and following up on issues that children raise.
The quantitative toolkit comprises the research instruments that will help you to design and carry out the quantitative survey research on children’s online risks and opportunities. It also includes the materials needed for analysing the data and expert guidance on key issues to consider during the research process.
Griffeye Brain CSA Classifier is a forensics tool aims to detect and rescue children pictured in child sexual exploitation material.
The filtering techniques can detect skin tones — even in low light or poor-quality video — then map connect...Read More
Aangan works with children who are vulnerable to trafficking, hazardous or exploitative work, early marriage, violence and neglect. These children live in isolated rural settlements, urban unauthorized bastis, impoverished migrant communities – by...Read More
BAN Human Trafficking! is an educational gaming tool created by the 'Balkans ACT (Against Crime of Trafficking) Now!' project and funded by the European Union.
BAN Human Trafficking! was created with the idea to inform young users about the issue o...Read More
The Global Slavery Index is an online tool that provides a country-by-country analysis of the prevalence of modern slavery, the vulnerability of each country's population to modern slavery, and different governmental responses.
Using the int...Read More