The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent on-going conflict has created one of the largest human displacement crises in modern history, with nearly one-third of Ukrainians forced from their homes. In March 2022, the UK government announced its intention to assist those fleeing Ukraine and established three new visa routes, including the Ukraine sponsorship scheme, also known as the ‘Homes for Ukraine’ (HfU) scheme. Nearly 300,000 Ukrainians have applied for visas to come to the UK across the three schemes, with nearly 150,000 of these granted via the HfU scheme. This research project aimed to understand hosts experiences of hosting and to gain an understanding of people’s motivations for volunteering to offer their homes as part of the HfU scheme. The questions we wanted to understand are: why do people host, what can make hosting better, and how can learning from this scheme be used to improve future hosting schemes? The insights and experiences shared by hosts have enabled the development of key conclusions and considerations for a range of stakeholders in relation to the better running of existing and future hosting schemes.
Homes for Ukraine: learnings to inform and shape future hosting schemes- University of Nottingham, 2023 DOWNLOAD














The impact of COVID-19 on modern slavery in the United Kingdom
News & Analysis

The purpose of this study is to aid practitioners and researchers in understanding the impact of COVID-19 on modern slavery in the United Kingdom. This report seeks to highlight the key findings of a scoping study undertaken at St Mary’s Universit...Read More

Guide for Integrated Service Provision to Support Access to Employment for Third Country National Women Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation
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The general objective of the project Tolerant is to enhance the integration of Third Country National women Victims of Trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation in the labour market in Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Romania, through e...Read More

Human Trafficking in Supply Chains – A UK Perspective
News & AnalysisGood PracticesVideos

Kevin Hyland OBE was the UK’s first Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner (IASC), a role created as one of the key provisions of the Modern Slavery Act (MSA) 2015. In this capacity, Hyland led efforts to tackle modern slavery and human trafficking,...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Research report: Protecting Asian Trafficking Victims in Europe – In Focus: Czech Republic, Poland and Romania
News & AnalysisPublications

This research project focussed on Asian trafficking victims in Europe, especially in The Czech Republic, Poland, and Romania. Increasingly, Asian migrants are recruited to work in Europe. Among them are many people from the Philippines and Vietnam. ...Read More