This brochure presents an overview and introduction to human trafficking and the role that business can play in addressing it. It explains in practical terms what human trafficking is, why it is an issue for business and what companies large and small can do to take action against it.

Divided into two parts, this brochure (1) presents a section that gives an overview of the key issues linking human trafficking and business; and (2) a series of case studies that highlight the practical actions companies are taking to fight this abuse.

Human Trafficking and Business: Good Practices to prevent and combat Human Trafficking - United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking, 2010 DOWNLOAD














Developing Effective Grievance Mechanisms in the Banking Sector

This paper reviews banks’ responsibilities and provides suggestions and recommendations for how banks can develop and implement effective operational-level grievance mechanisms that will be legitimate, trusted and meet their responsibilities under ...Read More

Migrant Workers at Risk: Trends in Gulf Construction 2018−2019

An overview of the risks to migrant workers on construction projects across the Gulf. Migrant workers make up between 60% and 90% of the workforce in the six countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Low-wage construction workers are at parti...Read More

Disrupting Harm in Indonesia: Evidence on Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Funded by the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children, through its Safe Online initiative, ECPAT International, INTERPOL and UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti worked in partnership to design and implement a multifaceted research pr...Read More

TAGS: Asia
Addressing Forced Labor and other Modern Slavery Risks: A Toolkit for Small and Medium-Sized Suppliers
GuidanceGraphics & Infographics

This toolkit aims to help companies that work in corporate supply chains to quickly identify areas of their business which carry the highest risk of modern slavery and develop a simple plan to prevent and address any identified risks. It is designed...Read More