Considered among the best cities to work and live in the US, San Diego also ranks in the FBI’s 13 highest-intensity trafficking areas in the country.

Sex trafficking generates $810m in annual revenue for local pimps and gangs, making it the county’s second-largest underground economy after drugs.

But findings of a groundbreaking three-year study on gang-involved sex trafficking, funded by the Department of Justice and released last October, have prompted local government to act, creating a unique precedent for cooperative action.














Delta 8.7
Online ToolsVideos

Delta 8.7 is a global knowledge platform exploring what works to eradicate forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour, an aim set out in Target 8.7 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. On any given day in 2016, the latest y...Read More

TAGS: Global
Responsible Recruitment vs. Human Trafficking of Migrant Workers

When: June 9, 2016 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Public and private employment agencies, when appropriately regulated, play an important role in ensuring opportunities for productive employment and decent work, and promoting the efficient and equitable functioning of labour markets. However, concerns have been raised about the growing role...

The New American Dream? Illicit Migration, Human Trafficking and Smuggling in the Americas

When: December 10, 2015 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

In the face of what is arguably a migration crisis, President Obama has issued an Executive Action protecting a potential 4.3 million illegal immigrants from the threat of deportation, by changing priorities for deportation to exclude those who have spent...

Partnering on Anti-Trafficking: The Key to Successful Corporate Collaboration
News & AnalysisVideosWebinarsEvents

When: January 26, 2021 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

To celebrate the launch of the updated Interactive Map for Business of Anti-Human Trafficking Organizations and Initiatives (, the webinar will showcase successful anti-trafficking partnerships between business and non-profit organizations or initiatives. This one-hour session will convene businesses, anti-trafficking organizations, experts,...

TAGS: Global