The e-Handbook: Legislating against Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking & Forced Labour is a comprehensive guide for parliamentarians and parliamentary officials on legislating effectively against modern slavery related crimes.

One in 200 people is living in some form of modern slavery today. According to the latest figures published by the United Nations, the International Labour Organisation and the Walk Free Foundation, an estimated of 40.3 million people are living in some form of modern slavery. More than half of them are in forced labour, which means they are working against their will and under threat, intimidation or coercion. An additional 15.4 million people are estimated to be living in forced marriages.

Legislating against Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Forced Labour: The Role of Parliament to Scrutinise & Raise Awareness - Commonwealth Parliamentary Association UK, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Potential Civil Redress in England & Wales – For Victims of Child Sexual Exploitation Abuse In Cambodia

This Toolkit provides an overview of some practical aspects to consider when determining whether it might be possible to seek compensation in the civil courts of England and Wales for victims of child sexual abuse where the conduct occurred in Cambo...Read More

Mondern Slavery, what business needs to know

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Eliminating Child Labour Guides for Employers – Guide Two: How employers can eliminate

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TAGS: Global
From Local to Global: Building a strategic litigation ecosystem to address modern slavery in supply chains

This briefing summarises the outcomes of the scopingresearch conducted by The Remedy Project, offeringan insight into the existing corporate accountabilitylegal landscape in South East Asia, and the barrierspreventing local groups from engaging in t...Read More