When MSIs first emerged in the 1990s, they appeared to offer a transformative and exciting proposition. For years human rights and advocacy organizations had been investigating and naming-and-shaming companies for their connections to sweatshop labor, deforestation, corruption, and other abusive behavior. As this advocacy grew louder—and as government regulation of corporations remained elusive—a new experiment began. Rather than being barred from boardrooms, some large civil society organizations began working alongside businesses to draft codes of conduct, create industry oversight mechanisms, and design novel systems of multi-stakeholder governance that aimed to protect rights holders and benefit communities.

This report is a collection of the key insights into MSIs gained over the past decade. Central to the approach is the understanding of standard-setting MSIs as a field. While each MSI is unique in its history and context, the MSIs that we have examined—and that are in our MSI Database—are a set of institutions that share a common architecture: (1) governance by a multi-stakeholder body; (2) the creation of transnational standards that include or affect human rights; and (3) the establishment of mechanisms designed to offer assurances that their members are complying with their standards (e.g., monitoring, reporting, or grievance mechanisms).

Not Fit-for-Purpose: The Grand Experiment of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives in Corporate Accountability, Human Rights and Global Governance - Institute for Multi-Stakeholder Initiative Integrity, 2020 DOWNLOAD
Not Fit-for-Purpose: The Grand Experiment of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives in Corporate Accountability, Human Rights and Global Governance (Summary) - Institute for Multi-Stakeholder Initiative Integrity, 2020 DOWNLOAD














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In-depth research carried out by Verité has found that Latin American countries export staggering amounts of illegally mined gold, which is tied to human trafficking, as well as legal and reputational risk for major companies with gold in their su...Read More

Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery – 2018 Report

In September 2017, The Evening Standard and The Independent, in partnership with the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, launched a three-month special investigation into the issue of modern slavery. The special investigation, which was personally...Read More

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Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Trafficking in Persons
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

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