This guidance is intended to support local and national policy makers in government, business and public services who wish to involve survivors of modern slavery in their work, whether that be in developing policy, legislation and guidance, or shaping and delivering services. Although this guidance was produced in the UK and has a UK focus, it is intended for adaptation and use in other country contexts.

The purpose of this practical guidance is to provide an overview of some of the key issues and questions that you may wish to consider before embarking on this work. Whilst this guidance aims to provide a useful starting point for professionals working in the anti-slavery and anti-trafficking sector, it is not intended to be the definitive guide to working with survivors and is not a substitute for face-to-face training. Links to further resources can be found in Annex 1.

Nothing about us, without us - University of Nottingham Rights Lab, Survivor Alliance, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Handbook on Initial Victim Identification and Assistance for Trafficked Persons

The Task Force, which was established in 2016, is a multidisciplinary and cooperative consortium of 27 organizations with the mission to collectively advance anti-trafficking efforts in the Hong Kong SAR. The Handbook’s release follows the endorsem...Read More

On Shaky Ground: Migrant Workers’ Rights in Qatar & UAE Construction

Prompted by international scrutiny of working conditions on flagship projects in Qatar and the UAE, in 2016, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre surveyed construction companies on their approach to safeguarding migrant workers’ rights ...Read More

Resource: Law and Policy Compendium on Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE) in Bangladesh and India

The compendium provides an overview of legislative and policy frameworks on rehabilitation and reintegration in India and Bangladesh for CSE practitioners and stakeholders working to support justice, protection, and trauma-informed minimum standards...Read More

Trafficked third-country nationals: Detection, identification and protection in Austria

Trafficking in human beings is a serious violation of human rights and human dignity, and is considered one of the worst crimes of all (Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, n.d.).As a global phenomenon that can only be tackled at...Read More