Oyoty is a chatbot aiming to empower children to be safer online. The app runs on the child’s phone, detects threats and risks on smart devices and social networks using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Oyoty alerts the child to risks and threats – parents can also choose to receive an alert. Oyoty guides the child how to deal with risks/threats and delivers educational content to encourage safer online behaviour.

child labour

More information on the application can be found here.














Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template (STRT)
Online Tools

The Slavery & Trafficking Risk Template (STRT), is the free, open-source industry standard template used to assist companies in their efforts to comply with human trafficking and modern slavery legislation and improve their supply chain-related...Read More

Human Trafficking: Myths, Facts, and Statistics
Online Tools

This interactive site offers information on human trafficking facts and statistics. The page includes a map of human trafficking in the United States along with a statistical analysis. Further down the page the user can click on four dif...Read More

Trafficking Risk in Sub-Saharan African Supply Chains
Online Tools

The sub-Saharan region of Africa has acted as a supplier of labour and raw materials to the rest of the world for centuries, often under terms that have resulted in harm to African people and nations. Corporations and governments have a responsibili...Read More

TAGS: Africa
Antislavery in Domestic Legislation Database
Online Tools

A continuing study by Katarina Schwarz and Jean Allain. To assess the extent to which slavery and related forms of human exploitation have been prohibited in domestic law, the Antislavery in Domestic Legislation Project compiles the constitution...Read More

TAGS: Global