The purpose of this study is to aid practitioners and researchers in understanding the impact of COVID-19 on modern slavery in the United Kingdom. This report seeks to highlight the key findings of a scoping study undertaken at St Mary’s University as part of the MA in Human Trafficking, Migration, and Organised Crime that would be of value and interest to those working in the sector. Understanding the impacts of the pandemic on modern slavery is essential to appropriately mitigate risks and safeguard vulnerable people such as children, women, migrants, and survivors of modern slavery. 134 studies were analysed to answer the research question, “What are the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on modern slavery in the United Kingdom?”

The impact of COVID-19 on modern slavery in the United Kingdom - Natasha Grimmett (St. Mary's University Twickenham London), May 2022 DOWNLOAD














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This report on profitable ethical recruitment lays out a conceptual framework for promoting and enhancing the viability of ethical labour recruitment in the Engineering and Construction industry in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Insights ...Read More

From Exploitation to Fair Employment. Report on the Organisation of Employment Services to Victims of Trafficking in Finland
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