The Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 reauthorizes trade facilitation and trade enforcement functions and activities. In regards to human trafficking, the bill revises the prohibition against applying trade authorities (fast track) procedures to congressional implementing bills for trade agreements with foreign countries that fail to make significant efforts to comply with minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking (“tier 3” country). The prohibition itself shall not apply, however, if the President submits to Congress a letter stating the country has taken concrete actions to implement the principal recommendations in the most recent annual report on trafficking in persons.

Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 - United States Congress, 2015 DOWNLOAD














Compendium of relevant reference materials and resources on ethical sourcing and prevention of trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation in supply chains

The objective of the Compendium of Resources is to take stock of the existing legislation, policies, guidelines, recommendations, reports, studies, and other types of initiatives developed to better understand and respond to the global problem of tra...Read More

Addressing exploitation of labour migrants in Southeast Asia: Beyond a counter-trafficking criminal justice response
News & AnalysisLegislation

Large numbers of young people in Southeast Asia seek work opportunities outside their country of origin, migrating both regularly and irregularly, and with little power to access or negotiate safe and fair migration and work conditions. The risk of ...Read More

TAGS: Asia
Council of Europe (CoE) Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (2005)

The Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings is a comprehensive treaty mainly focused on the protection of victims of trafficking and the safeguard of their rights. It also aims at preventing trafficking as well a...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Antislavery in Domestic Legislation Country Reports
Standards & Codes of ConductGood PracticesLegislationPublications

Research and analysis conducted by Katarina Schwarz (University of Nottingham) and Jean Allain (Monash University). To assess the extent to which slavery and related forms of human exploitation have been prohibited in domestic law, this project ...Read More

TAGS: Global