This guide is for managers in companies operating in England, Scotland and Wales
who have an overarching responsibility for developing and implementing human rights
practices in their company. It will also assist managers who have responsibility for
social issues, human resources, or customer and community relations or those who
advise the board. This guide sets out seven steps managers should follow to help
companies identify, mitigate and report on the human rights impacts of their activities.
It also provides advice on how companies can meet the UN Guiding Principles on
Business and Human Rights, the global standard, which outlines the role of business
and governments in respecting human rights.














Maximizing Benefits from a Sustainable Supply Chain – BSR
Standards & Codes of ConductPublications

The case studies described in this brief reveal that there are benefits for suppliers to implementing social and environmental improvement programs, including improved workforce productivity, cost savings, and stronger competitiveness. Buyers also b...Read More

Worker Voice-Driven Ethical Recruitment Toolkit
GuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

First released in November 2017, the Issara Worker Voice-Driven Ethical Recruitment Toolkit has been expanded and updated through the years to meet the needs of suppliers and recruitment agencies in South and Southeast Asia. This new October 2022 v...Read More

TAGS: Asia
Global Guidelines on the Prevention of Forced Labour Through Lifelong Learning and Skills Development Approaches
GuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

Quality education and training lays the foundation for the economic and social development not only of individuals but of society as a whole. Yet, many lack opportunities to acquire relevant knowledge and skills that would allow them to earn a decen...Read More

Antislavery in Domestic Legislation Country Reports
Standards & Codes of ConductGood PracticesLegislationPublications

Research and analysis conducted by Katarina Schwarz (University of Nottingham) and Jean Allain (Monash University). To assess the extent to which slavery and related forms of human exploitation have been prohibited in domestic law, this project ...Read More

TAGS: Global