Testimony by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services on the human trafficking of domestic minors.

In recent years, there has been increased awareness of a large number of children who are U.S. citizens and are being trafficked. The National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children estimates that there are at least 100,000 U.S. being trafficked. The majority of American victims who become sexually trafficked are runaways and homeless youth. Identifying and tracking these children who are trafficked can be challenging, in part because these youth do not often self-identify, or they come into the child protection system for other reasons and are not identified as trafficking victims. Between 2009 and 2011, 768 human trafficking victims were reported in Texas, including 183 children (FBI Innocence Lost Task Force). On a typical weekend night in Texas, an estimated 130 youth under the age of 18 years old are commercially sexually exploited through internet classified sex ads.

Human Trafficking of Domestic Minors - Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, 2014 DOWNLOAD














Real Care is Rare: An on-the-Ground Perspective on Blood Diamonds and the Fifth ‘C’

A new report, Real Care is Rare. An On-The-Ground Perspective on Blood Diamonds and the Fifth ‘C’, highlights the existence of modern day blood diamonds due to ongoing ties between diamonds and brutal human rights abuse (amongst other ...Read More

TAGS: Global
Out from the Shadows: Transforming Support for Victims of Modern Slavery and Domestic Abuse with No Recourse to Public Funds

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Remediation Guidelines for Victims of Human Trafficking in Mineral Supply Chains

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Beyond Compliance in the Hotel Sector: A Review of UK Modern Slavery Act Statements

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