A proposed EU law that seeks to hold companies accountable for human rights abuses, climate change, and environmental destruction has been severely watered down by corporate lobbyists, with assistance from the European Commission’s own business-friendly ‘Better regulation’ agenda which includes the Regulatory Scrutiny Board (RSB). The RSB’s deregulatory mission helps to ensure the costs of social and environmental damage caused by corporations are paid for by society, not the companies themselves. As a result a law originally intended to limit corporate impunity, requiring companies to exercise ‘due diligence’ along their global supply chains, and provide affected people with access to justice, has been left full of major loopholes.

Inside job: How business lobbyists used the Commission's scrutiny procedures to weaken human rights and environmental legislation - BUND, Corporate Europe Observatory, and Friends of the Earth Europe_ English, June 2022 DOWNLOAD
Inside job: How business lobbyists used the Commission's scrutiny procedures to weaken human rights and environmental legislation - BUND, Corporate Europe Observatory, and Friends of the Earth Europe, June 2022_German DOWNLOAD














Mapping Rohingya Movement: Collected data on the trafficking routes of a persecuted population
News & Analysis

In 2022, according to sources on the ground, the trafficking of Rohingya is still very much ongoing. This report is an attempt to bring together data on the human trafficking and migration routes from Myanmar to Bangladesh and other destinations in ...Read More

Call for papers – Child Labour Edition, April 2021
News & Analysis

Guest editors: Urmila Bhoola & Cindy Berman This edition is concerned with long-term solutions and prevention of child labour – tackling root causes and drivers, as well as enablers of long-term solutions that demonstrate progress and promi...Read More

TAGS: Global
Downstream due diligence: Setting the record straight
News & Analysis

The due diligence expectations contained in the OECD Guidelines and United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGPs) have always, since their inception in 2011, been intended to take a risk-based approach that includes the full “value chain” of busines...Read More

Addressing exploitation of labour migrants in Southeast Asia: Beyond a counter-trafficking criminal justice response
News & AnalysisLegislation

Large numbers of young people in Southeast Asia seek work opportunities outside their country of origin, migrating both regularly and irregularly, and with little power to access or negotiate safe and fair migration and work conditions. The risk of ...Read More

TAGS: Asia