Business & Human Rights Resource Centre is an online repository of resources covering a broad range of issues, including child labour. The reosurce centre provides an overview of available online reosurces on the topci of child labour, ranging from research reports, guidance manuals and recent tech applications.

Researches can be conducted per issues:

regions or countries:

sectors and so on:

The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre can be consulted here.














Stop the Traffik App
Online Tools

A tool to enable people across the world to join the fight against human trafficking and modern slavery. child labour More information on the app can be found here. ...Read More

Trafficking Risk in Sub-Saharan African Supply Chains
Online Tools

The sub-Saharan region of Africa has acted as a supplier of labour and raw materials to the rest of the world for centuries, often under terms that have resulted in harm to African people and nations. Corporations and governments have a responsibili...Read More

TAGS: Africa
Interactive Map for Business of Anti-Human Trafficking Organisations
Online Tools

Given the rapid development of initiatives aimed at helping businesses fight human trafficking, the RESPECT Initiative (comprising Babson College's Initiative on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery, the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organi...Read More

TAGS: Global
Screening for Human Trafficking: Guidelines for Administering the Trafficking Victim Identification Tool
Online Tools

This manual is intended primarily for victim service agency staff and other social service providers, who will administer the Trafficking Victim Identification Tool (TVIT) to clients who are potential trafficking victims. Law enforcement, health car...Read More