Florverde® Sustainable Flowers is an independent social and environmental standard for the flower sector that is backed by a strong team of agronomists, social workers and other professionals.

This team is responsible for reviewing and updating the standard under the guidance of an advisory council made up of flower growers, agronomists, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and government officials. Any major changes proposed must also be submitted for public consultation.

child labour

Florverde Sustainable Flowers Standard - Florverde, 2018 DOWNLOAD














Standards of Business Conduct
Standards & Codes of Conduct

A set of global policies of British American Tobacco, expressing the standards of integrity they are committed to upholding. child labour ...Read More

Worker Voice-Driven Ethical Recruitment Toolkit
GuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

First released in November 2017, the Issara Worker Voice-Driven Ethical Recruitment Toolkit has been expanded and updated through the years to meet the needs of suppliers and recruitment agencies in South and Southeast Asia. This new October 2022 v...Read More

TAGS: Asia
Global Justice: Using Strategic Litigation to Combat Forced Labour
News & AnalysisStandards & Codes of ConductLegislation

Forced labor is a feature, not a bug, in today’s global economic system. Forced labor spans the globe. It involves multinational corporations. It is found in special economic zones—and war zones. And it is in everyone’s backyard. Globally, 27....Read More

ABA Model Business and Supplier Policies on Labour Trafficking and Child Labour
Standards & Codes of Conduct

These Model Business and Supplier Policies address two specific human rights issues that potentially arise in the Operations of a business enterprise: Labour Trafficking and Child Labour. The Model Policies adopt a risk-based approach to ensure t...Read More