This brief is part of a series highlighting how we can leverage the commitments governments have made to guarantee human rights to steer us towards a just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The pandemic response has demanded a greater role for the state in many countries. In the recovery, governments will set the broad regulatory framework that will define what business can and can’t do in terms of workers’ and community rights. Crucially, they will also devise business bailouts, forgivable loans, and other publicly funded incentives. These should be designed to reward responsible business conduct and prevent abuse.

This brief focuses on the protection and strengthening of international standards for human rights in businesses in the process of recovery of those businesses seriously affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The brief suggests a series of conditions companies should meet in order to receive public funds, as well as a range of accompanying measures that can enhance the transformative potential of bailout conditions.

Recovering Rights Series: Business and Human Rights in a Just Recovery - Business & Human Rights Resource Centre and Center for Economic and Social Rights, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Abandoned? The Impact of Covid-19 on Workers and Businesses at the Bottom of Global Garment Supply Chains
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

The global Covid-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on global garment supply chains, and the situation will get far worse before it gets better. As clothing outlets have been shut by lockdowns in developed market economies, sinking demand for ...Read More

Exposing the Hidden Victims of COVID-19
COVID-19 resourcesGuidancePublications

The COVID-19 pandemic is exposing just how fragile the protection and prevention framework on modern slavery is, despite progress in recent years resulting from a new focus, marked particularly by a drive toward national anti-slavery legislation. ...Read More

Nothing about us, without us

This guidance is intended to support local and national policy makers in government, business and public services who wish to involve survivors of modern slavery in their work, whether that be in developing policy, legislation and guidance, or shapi...Read More

State of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Maharashtra

India is a global hotspot for trafficking of women and minors for commercial sexual exploitation (CSE), and Maharashtra, as its financial and commercial capital, is one of the largest destinations for CSE in the country. However, reliably estimating...Read More

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