This document was created as an accompanying document to our “NGO Involvement in Raid/Rescue Operations” Webinar, which was held in May 2017. The webinar examined the risks and benefits, how to conduct better operations, as well as provided options and successful alternatives. Our webinar panelists discussed if, and if so, in what circumstances NGOs can conduct raid and rescue operations. We also covered the importance of practices, standards, and principles organisations should hold themselves accountable.

The Code of Conduct is an attempt to set minimum standards for investigative NGOs operating in Southeast Asia. It seeks to set and uphold professional standards for the protection of victims of trafficking, NGO personnel, the integrity of the criminal justice process and the reputation of all parties in the sector.

We strongly encourage all investigative NGOs to review and adopt these standards and practices.

Code of conduct for foreign NGOs: Investigating human trafficking and child sexual exploitation & participating in rescues of victims DOWNLOAD














2017 OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct SUMMARY REPORT

When: June 29, 2017 – June 30, 2017 all-day

The OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct held on 29-30 June 2017 gathered participants from governments, businesses, trade unions and civil society to discuss responsible supply chains through due diligence; driving responsible institutional investment; the role of National Contact...

TAGS: Global
Identifying Trafficking Victims: An Analysis of Victim Identification Tools and Resources in Asia

This review examines what victim identification tools and resources are publicly available, primarily in English, to support the identification and referral of trafficking victims, with a focus on countries in Asia. It is intended for policymakers a...Read More

Addressing modern slavery in long and complex supply chains. Assessing understandings of effective supply chain governance
GuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

This is a summary of the report: Assessing understandings of effective supply chain governance , a Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre (the Modern Slavery PEC) research project, funded by the UK Artsand Humanities Research Cou...Read More

Modern Slavery Governance: Basics for Board

This practical guide leverages the lessons of regulatory compliance to illustrate how global businesses can manage human rights risks effectively, with a particular focus on modern slavery. This guide provides a quick reference for corporate director...Read More