This policy brief provides information and identifies a number of key recommendations to assist governments and other stakeholders in designing COVID-19 policy responses that can help to ensure the protection of migrant workers, as well as to inform responses for the protection of refugees and those displaced working in countries other than their own, differentiated by gender as appropriate and based upon relevant international labour standards,1 and ILO guidance and good practices. This document will be updated regularly as the situation evolves.

The brief is also available in Spanish, French, Indonesian, Russian, and Turkish (see below).

Protecting migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic - International Labour Organization, 2020 DOWNLOAD
Proteger a los trabajadores migrantes durante la pandemia del COVID-19 - OIT, 2020 DOWNLOAD
Protéger les travailleurs migrants pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 - L'OIT, 2020 DOWNLOAD
Pelindungan pekerja migran selama pandemi COVID-19 - International Labour Organization, 2020 DOWNLOAD
Как защитить трудовых мигрантов в условиях пандемии COVID-19 - MOT, 2020 DOWNLOAD
COVID-19 küresel salgınında göçmen işçileri korumak - International Labour Organization DOWNLOAD














Using Worker Voice Tools to Assess Relationships Between Workers and their Managers

This note focuses on one dimension of how technology-enabled worker voice tools can be used: to gather qualitative data about the nature of relationships between managers and workers or communities at factories, farms, mines, and plantations. This i...Read More

Uncovering labour trafficking: Investigation tool for law enforcement and checklist for labour inspectors

Prepared by Pekka Ylinen, Anniina Jokinen, Anna-Greta Pekkarinen, Natalia Ollus, and Katja-Pia Jenu. Identifying and investigating labour exploitation and trafficking is a challenging task. These are often international crimes in which migrant wo...Read More

Guía para una minería libre de trabajo infantil

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A Broken Partnership: How Clothing Brands Exploit Suppliers and Harm Workers – And What Can Be Done About It

The Center’s report includes a series of practical recommendations for how clothing brands and retailers can establish more constructive relationships with outsourced suppliers, with the goal of protecting the human rights and economic well-being ...Read More