Unilever’s Responsible Sourcing Policy includes a set of Mandatory Requirements which all its suppliers need to meet to be able to do business with Unilever. The RSP is instrumental in ensuring that Unilever delivers its business objectives while making a positive social impact on the lives of millions of people in its supply chains around the world and reducing its environmental impact.

Unilever Responsible Sourcing Policy - Unilever, 2017 DOWNLOAD














Technology Against Child Sexual Abuse Content
News & AnalysisGood Practices

Introducing NetClean NetClean is a social business providing solutions to detecting child sexual abuse material and safeguarding against crime in the workplace. One of our technologies reacts when it detects the digital fingerprint of an image or vid...Read More

Florverde Sustainable Flowers Standard
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Florverde® Sustainable Flowers is an independent social and environmental standard for the flower sector that is backed by a strong team of agronomists, social workers and other professionals. This team is responsible for reviewing and updating...Read More

Full Package Approach to Labor Codes of Conduct
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In this guide the Clean Clothes Campaign offers guidelines on what companies can do to better assess, implement, and verify compliance with labour standards in their supply chains, and eliminate abuses where and when they arise. The exploitation and...Read More

ABA Model Business and Supplier Policies on Labour Trafficking and Child Labour
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These Model Business and Supplier Policies address two specific human rights issues that potentially arise in the Operations of a business enterprise: Labour Trafficking and Child Labour. The Model Policies adopt a risk-based approach to ensure t...Read More