Labour rights are deteriorating in Bangladesh, despite government promises to commit to an International Labour Organization (ILO) road map for reform. While the last two years of the COVID-19 pandemic have been a period of crisis for workers, the pattern of abuse for workers’ rights has been entrenched for years.

We Need a Better Bangladesh: Violations of Workers’ Rights in the Ready-Made Garment, Shipbreaking and Leather Sectors, International Trade Union Confederation, March 2022 DOWNLOAD














First Steps to Safety – The Role of Reception Centres in Supporting People Out of Exploitation
News & Analysis

Our research shows that, while reception centres did offer people immediate respite, the time pressure, conflicting priorities, and limited support options for survivors meant that they did not offer people routes to safety. Survivors of traffic...Read More

Work behind bars: Analysis of prison labor in the United States based on international labor standards
News & Analysis

The U.S. prison system has been under increasing scrutiny in recent years for issues such as systemic racism, inhumane conditions, overcrowding, and sexual violence. While these issues are extremely pressing, another important issue, forced prison l...Read More

Human trafficking in Vietnam fact sheet
News & Analysis

Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation has been addressing human trafficking since 2005. While the term "human trafficking" covers a wide range of crimes, our work is in two specific areas: the trafficking of children into exploitative labour and the t...Read More

Global Tech Companies, Partners Identify Tools to Fight Human Trafficking – A Progress Report on the Tech Against Trafficking Initiative
News & Analysis

In June 2018, a coalition of global tech companies, civil society organizations, and international institutions jointly launched Tech Against Trafficking (TAT), a cooperative effort to support the eradication of human trafficking and in which the Glo...Read More