We believe that everyone should read this handbook – and we have kept it small so that you can keep it in your work bag or desk drawer. This handbook was, however, specifically created for staff who work in the homelessness sector, particularly frontline workers, managers and volunteers. People who are engaged in support services for homeless people can be vital eyes and ears in detecting this crime. In addition, by identifying a survivor and engaging with First Responders, you are facilitating the person’s access to support, such as a recovery and reflection period of at least 45 days, safe accommodation and material assistance, legal advice, medical and psychological services, compensation and/or safe repatriation and return. Use this handbook to understand the types of exploitation that homeless people are exposed to. By knowing what to look for, and how to get support, frontline workers can save lives.

Modern Slavery Handbook - The Passage to Ending Homelessness, December 2020 DOWNLOAD














Evidence from Japanese companies assessment on human rights due diligence

The Human Rights Council unanimously endorsed the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) in 2011. More than 10 years later, this global standard for how business should respect human rights has driven some positive change. While ...Read More

The Future of Work

Too many conversations about the future of work ask how corporations and highly educated elites can take advantage of new economic opportunities. But we shouldn't just be talking about who gets to design the next generation of robots. We should als...Read More

Prevalence Estimation: Methods Brief

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